Search the UnitedHealthcare Options PPO Network to find a physician or facility.
Please search the network found on your ID card. if you require further assistance please contact ConciergeCare
Search the UnitedHealthcare Options PPO Network to find therapists & psychiatrists.
Please search the network found on your ID card. if you require further assistance please contact ConciergeCare
Search Aetna's Passport to Healthcare Network to find a medical provider
Please search the network found on your ID card. if you require further assistance please contact ConciergeCare
You can choose any dentist you want! Your dental benefit is not subject to a network, it is an open-access dental benefit. We do encourage you to ask your Dentist to present a pre-estimate prior to any dental work being performed, this will help you know exactly how you will be reimbursed by your insurance. Reimbursements are made based on the National Dental Advisory Service Comprehensive Fee Reports.
If you purchased the optional dental and vision package, you have coverage for vision services. Please contact ConciergeCare U.S. +1-855-773-7810 or for assistance finding a provider.
Search our Open Access Network of international providers.
Powered by Payer Fusion, we have transformed network access to provide patients with the freedom of choice.
PayerFusion SearchFind the tools you need to locate the best health care centers or hospitals for your
patient care.
The Hospital Safety Grade scores hospitals on how safe they keep their patients from errors, injuries, accidents, and infections.
Hospital SearchWellAway provider search is a curated set of superior search platforms to find an adequate provider, institution or health center globally.